Tag Archive for "studies"

CBD stops inflammation

Inflammation effects people who have diseases like lupus, colitis, arthritis, and even multiple sclerosis.  When using CBD oil to treat any inflammation, chronic or not, it activates the CB2 receptors found all over your body with no psychoactive effect. In a study done at Imperial College London, researchers found...

Weight loss and CBD

Great news for Cannabidiol (CBD) users.  In a study done in 2016 with close to 8500 people ages 20-59 and published in the American Journal of Medicine, marijuana users are much less likely than non-users to develop metabolic syndrome, which is a significant risk factor for obesity, type II...

Alzheimer’s and CBD

Studies on the effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Alzheimer’s have shown promise in 2 separate areas. The first area has shown that CBD stops further neuro-inflammation in mice when given a daily dose of 10mg over 7 days.  This study was conducted in 2007. The second area which cannabinoids...

Cannabinoid Study Shows CBD can reduce Sciatica

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of of multiple cannabinoids that are found in Cannabis.  Our bodies have a system within it called the Endocannabioid System (ECS).  The ECS has multiple receptors called CB1 and CB2.  Those receptors are found in all of our organs, except in the Thalamus and Brainstem...

Cannabidiol and Cancer

The National Cancer Institute has published a Q&A on Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cancer.  This is what they have say. A laboratory study of cannabidiol (CBD) in estrogen receptor positive and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells showed that it caused cancer cell death while having little effect on normal...

Marijuana Dispensaries not Linked Higher Crime Rates

A recent study done by the University of California, San Jose State University, and the University of Kansas concluded that “mean property and violent crime rates within 100 foot buffers of tobacco shops and alcohol outlets, but not Medical Marijuana Dispensaries (MMD), substantially exceeded community wide mean crime rates...

Pot and Pregnancy

Here are the facts:  They haven’t done ANY STUDIES on pregnant women and pot.  In fact, as you scour the internet, you will find one study that shows drugs/alcohol have an effect on unborn children.  This study includes marijuana, but not usage of marijuana on its’ own.  You might...

More Research Needed on CBD and Pets

After seeing the positive effects of CBD on dogs for conditions such as, osteoarthritis, pain, anxiety, and inflammation, the American Veterinary Medical Association, said last summer, that it wants the DEA to declassify marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug.  More studies are needed in order to determine toxicity levels...

Early reports show CBD is effective in treating Autism

Autism is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders, affecting 1 in 68 children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Symptoms of Autism include impaired communication and social skills, along with compulsive and repetitive behaviors.  These typically start to show in infancy or early...