Tag Archive for "kids"

“Priority Review” of CBD extract granted by FDA

Epidiolex is a standardized, plant-derived Cannabidiol (CBD) extract formulated by GW Pharmaceuticals, a company that originates in England and also has offices located in California.   The US Food and Drug Administration will undertake a “priority review” of data specific to the safety and efficacy of this new drug which...

“Tremors are less,” says father after son uses CBD

Studies on cannabinoid anticonvulsant activity began in 1975, when Cannabidiol (CBD), and four CBD derivatives, (CBD-aldehyde-diacetate, 6-oxo-CBD-diacetate, 6-hydroxy-CBD-tri-acetate and 9-hydroxy-CBD-triacetate) were shown to protect against maximal electroshock convulsions in mice.   Now it is given to children who suffer from epilepsy and adults who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease.  CBD...